Saturday, 19 July 2014

Let's Have A Pitty Party.. Or Not..


At what point do we stop and think to ourselves, "love, you need to quit while you're ahead"?  Because if, like me, you have recently been hurt by a dickweed on a lads holiday and most of your friends are scattered around the country.. would you:
     a) wallow in self-pitty and sit and worry yourself!
     b) Sit on the sofa singing all by myself like Bridget Jones and contemplate buying 3million cats 
     c) pick yourself up, surround yourself with people you love and genuinely love you back and never think about the guy again 
     d) do all 3 and then realize that the guy in question is more like a friend and you just miss the guys friendship and agree to stay friends? 

Believe me, I am one to do all 4 of these things, at times I remind myself so much of Bridget Jones it worries me.. so class this post as a diary entry! So, what am I doing?
Making the most of out a poopy situation, My close friends are scattered across the country and of course the guy issues.. men ey! I am dealing with it, I don't even care about it anymore. But the question is; Is it possible to just stay friends? Hence why I am writing this at 12am, while watching Live at Edinburgh Castle..(Alfie Boe came on and I literally cried and danced round the lounge!) I mean why aren't I there in that crowd?! And then I remember, I have no money & can't get to Scotland.. so right now the sofa is making a good replacement! 
I mean it could be worse.. I could not have a sofa or wine.. In which case I would be screwed! And I think I would have every good reason to act like Bridget Jones and wallow in self-pitty! 
If you're wondering, I am okay! But for now I am on a recluse from men, if you guys want me I will be the hairy woman in the back eating chocolate and crying over Zac Efron. POWER TO THE HAIR. 
ANYWAY, all this got me thinking... What are we meant to do if things appear to be going so well and they crumble in 20seconds?.. Maybe we did take it all way to fast.. but I feel (this time) it's not my fault. 
Whoa... That was deep! HAHA, this is what happens at this time, I go all tumblr! 

So as a consequence me and my cousin are going to Leeds fest for the day on Friday the 22nd of August. I AM SO EXCITED. Mainly because I haven't had a day out with her since.. well.. we were 2! Even though I see her all the time! So I am going to be going cray with the clothes YYAYY!! And of course we see Blink-182 & Disclosure etc.. but those names are pretty big. Dunno who Blink are but hey-ho! (Lol I am totes joking, love them! Miss you and all that!) 

In other news; I have started boxersize with my cousin and our friend.. I am very very excited and it's going to be amazing. Going to let out so much anger, and get highly fit at the same time WOO! Also, work has been going well if any of you were wondering, I had 3 customers on Friday RESULT. 

Amie's Dictionary: 
Dickweed - horrible boy

As always thank-you for reading
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All My Love 

Saturday, 12 July 2014

New Me

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Every-once in a while, we all take a step back and re-evaluate ourselves. We re-evaluate our look, personalities, style, habits etc. I have done this... But I have also re-evaluated, my blog.
A way to describe me is: One Hot Mess. Meaning; I don't stick to things! I find it hard to keep to a tight schedule because I get bored, or I think it isn't that great... and that's what happened on my main blog. I wasn't feeling it..
But, I have an idea.

This is my 'sister blog' for me to be, well, myself. It's going to get personal, crazy and yet I am going to be chatting fashion & music as per.. but it will be much more about me than about the world and what everyone else is thinking. 

Don't worry, I am still going to be posting on my main blog, but that will be much more serious, and much more.. well... the clever serious me!

So, the name? where does it come from? 

Well.. A Ditsy Print is
"A small scale repeated print in a random order (not in stripes or geometric patterns). Most often the subject is florals." Now, since people describe me as both ditsy and random! I put my name into fashion terms. Clever huh! 

Why Make a Sister Blog? Why can't you just do this on there?
I felt that I needed some space to think about my career and what type of writer I want to become, I want to be serious, but I also need to bring some of my craziness in there as well and to play and be myself and really find my voice as a writer. But yet I also wanted a space to show my work at uni e.g. my interviews, my shoots and all that jazz. So I thought with two blogs that will be easier to handle and won't appear messy!

After loosing some close friends due to them not "liking who I have become" I have decided to take a long hard look at myself, but what I can say is.. the only thing that has changed is that I am FINALLY happy. And it's out of pure jealously, that I have moved onto bigger things, that they "can't handle me anymore".. That's not my fault. Maybe I have changed. But, I have grown into myself and I am beginning to, finally, like myself. 
And in my eyes - if you don't like the happy me then I don't want you to bring me down and I no longer need you in my life. 
This is where this blog comes into play. Its all me. Amie. The real one! Who loves chillin in her pjs with 1D blaring out, and loves nothing more than to be crazy/happy and involve my ultimate passions with that: Music & Fashion into this whirlwind of a life!

What is the content on this blog?

My life - boy probs, girl probs, work probs, things that I need to discuss, moving into a real house, my uni life and uni girl issues! 

Fashion - much more of me in the clothes, hauls, judging people in what they wear.. haha watch out! 

Music - artists i love, and what I listen to while writing (shown through a spotify link!) 

however - on my main blog that is where my uni articles will go, my thoughts on London fashion weeks, blogslove meets and serious bits and pieces! 

Last point:
Some blog posts will be so short that it will seem rubbish! Some posts will be like this long winded and probably boring! Some posts will be mainly images & Videos.. So it's going to be mental.. But that's me; just one big ditsy print.

Thanks for coping with me & Supporting me
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All my love